Hubert de Guise

Office: CB 4033
tel: +1-807-343-8468
fax: +1-807-346-7853
e-mail: hubert.deguise@lakeheadu.ca
Published or accepted for publication
- Alex Clesio Nunes Martins, Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
Correspondence rules for Wigner functions over SU(3)/U(2) ,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (2019), art. 285202 , - Hubert de Guise, Lorenzo Maccone, Barry C. Sanders and Namrata Shukla
State-independent uncertainty relations ,
Physical Review A 98 (2018), art. 042121 , - Jizhou Wu, Hubert de Guise and Barry C. Sanders
Coincidence landscapes for polarized bosons ,
Physical Review A 98 (2018), art. 013817 , - Abdullah Khalid, Dylan Spivak, Barry C. Sanders and Hubert de Guise
Permutational symmetries for coincidence rates in multimode multiphotonic interferometry ,
Physical Review A 97 (2018), art. 063802 , - Hubert de Guise, Olivia Di Matteo and Luis L. Sánchez-Soto
Simple factorization of unitary transformations ,
Physical Review A 97 (2018), art. 022328 , - Andrei B Klimov, Jose Luis Romero, and Hubert de Guise
Generalized SU(2) covariant Wigner functions and some of their applications ,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (2017), art. 323001 , - Hubert de Guise, Dylan Spivak, Justin Kulp and Ish Dhand
D-functions and immanants of unitary matrices and submatrices,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (2016), art. 09LT01 , - Ish Dhand, Barry C. Sanders and Hubert de Guise
Algorithms for SU(n) boson realizations and D-functions,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (2015), art. 111705 , - M Tillmann, SH Tan, SE Stoeckl, BC Sanders, H de Guise, R Heilmann, S Nolte, A Szameit and P Walther
Generalized Multiphoton Quantum Interference,
Physical Review X 5 (2015), art. 041015 , - P de la Hoz, G Björk, H de Guise, A B Klimov, G Leuchs and L L Sánchez-Soto
Classical polarization multipoles: paraxial versus nonparaxial,
Physica Scripta 90 (2015), art. 074040 , - Mario Gaeta, Olivia Di Matteo, Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
Discrete phase-space approach to mutually orthogonal Latin squares,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (2014), art. 435303 , - G. Bjork, H. de Guise, A. B. Klimov, P. de la Hoz and L. L. Sánchez-Soto
Classical distinguishability as an operational measure of polarization,
Physical Review A 90 (2014), art. 013830 , - Hubert de Guise, Si-Hui Tan, Isaac P. Poulin and Barry C. Sanders
Coincidence landscape for three-channel optical networks,
Physical Review A 89 (2014), art. 063819 , - E. Karimi, R. W. Boyd, P. de la Hoz, H. de Guise, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, A. Aiello, G. Leuchs, and L.L. Sánchez-Soto
Radial Quantum number of Laguerre-Gauss modes,
Physical Review A 89 (2014), art. 063813 , - Si-Hui Tan, Yvonne Y. Gao, Hubert de Guise, and Barry C. Sanders
SU(3) Quantum Interferometry with Single-Photon Input Pulses,
Physical Review Letters 110 (2013), art. 113603 , - Andrei B Klimov, Hossein Tavakoli Dinani and Hubert de Guise
Semiclassical approach to squeezing-like transformations in quantum systems with higher symmetries,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2013), art. 105302 , - Andrew Douglas, Hubert de Guise and Joe Repka
The Poincaré algebra in rank 3 simple Lie algebras,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (2013), art. 023508 , - H de Guise, A Vourdas and L L Sánchez-Soto
Complementarity and phases in SU(3),
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (2012), art. 244030 , - Benjamin R Lavoie and Hubert de Guise
su(3) intelligent states are coupled SU(3) coherent states ,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (2012), art. 244013 , - Brandon Zanette and Hubert de Guise
SU(3) phase states and finite Fourier transform ,
Physica Scripta T147 (2012), art. 014032 , - Andrei B. Klimov, Hossein Tavakoli Dinani, Zachari E. D. Medendorp and Hubert de Guise
Qutrit squeezing via semiclassical evolution,
New Journal of Physics 13 (2011), art. 113033 , - D. J. Rowe and Hubert de Guise
The shifted harmonic approximation and asymptotic SU(2) and SU(1,1) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), art. 505307 , - Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
General approach to SU(n) quasi-distribution functions,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), art. 402001 , - Dylan Mahler, Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
Dynamical symmetry reduction and discrete tomography of a Xi atom,
Physica Scripta T140 (2010), art. 014026 , - Patrick Joanis, Dylan H Mahler, and Hubert de Guise
su(1,1) intelligent states,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), art. 385304 , - Dylan Mahler, Patrick Joanis, Ryan Vilim and Hubert de Guise
Squeezing in su(2) intelligent states,
New Journal of Physics 12 (2010), art. 033037 , - Andrew Douglas and Hubert de Guise
Some nonunitary,indecomposable representations of the Euclidean algebra e(3),
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), art. 085204 (13pp), - Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
Quantum Tomography of a system of three-level atoms,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 41 (2008), art. 025303 (19pp), - Benjamin R. Lavoie and Hubert de Guise
Su(2) intelligent states as coupled su(2) coherent states,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 40 (2007), pp.2825-2837, - Luis L. Sánchez-Soto, Andrei B. Klimov and Hubert de Guise
Multipartite Quantum Systems: Phases do matter after all,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B11 (2006) pp.1877-1884, - Matthew M. Milks and Hubert de Guise
Polynomial intelligent states
J. Opt. B: Quant. & Semi-Class. Optics 7 (2005) pp. S622-S627
(Special Issue: “Optics and Squeeze Transformation after Einstein”) - Andrei B. Klimov, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto and Hubert de Guise,
A complementary-based approach to phase in finite-dimensional quantum system,
J. Opt. B: Quant. & Semi-Class Optics 7 pp. 283-287 - Andrei B. Klimov, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto and Hubert de Guise,
Multicomplementary operators via finite Fourier transform,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005), pp.2747-2760, - Andrei B. Klimov, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto, Hubert de Guise and Gunnar Björk,
Quantum phases of a qutrit,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004), pp.4097-4106, - Andrei B. Klimov, Hubert de Guise and Luis L. Sánchez-Soto,
Inequivalent classes of closed three-level systems,
Phys. Rev. A. 68 (2003), 065801 [1-4]. - M. G. Raymer,A. C. Funk, B. C. Sanders, H. de Guise,
Separability criterion for separate quantum systems,
Phys. Rev. A 67 (2003), 052104 - Hubert de Guise and Marco Bertola,
Coherent state realizations of su(n+1)on the n-torus,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 43(2002), no 7, pp.3425-3444, - Stephen D. Bartlett, Hubert de Guise and Barry C. Sanders,
Quantum encodings in Spin Systems and Harmonic Oscillators ,
Phys.Rev. A 65 (2002), 052316, - D J Rowe , H de Guise and B. C. Sanders,
Asymptotic Limits of SU(2) and SU(3) Wigner functions,
Journal of Mathematical Physics42 (2001), no 5, pp. 2315-2342, - S. D. Bartlett, D.A. Rice, B.C. Sanders, J. Daboul and H. de Guise,
Unitary transformations for testing Bell inequalities,
Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001), 042310, - Barry C Sanders , Hubert de Guise, Stephen D. Bartlett and Weiping Zhang
Geometric Phase of Three-level Systems in Interferometry ,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001), no.3, pp.369-372, - H. de Guise, J. Patera and R.T. Sharp,
SL(3,C) generator matrix elements in a Pauli subgroup basis,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (2000), no.7, pp.4860-4880, - Hubert de Guise and Marc de Montigny,
Graded contractions of Lie algebras and central extensions,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 33 (2000), no 22, pp.4039-4057, - Barry C Sanders, Hubert de Guise, D J Rowe and Ady Mann,
Vector phase measurement in multipath quantum interferometry,
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 32 (1999), no.44, pp.1-11, - Joe Repka and Hubert de Guise,
Some finite-dimensional indecomposable representations of E(2) ,
Journal of Mathematical Physics40 (1999), no.10, pp.6087-6109, - D.J. Rowe ,B. C. Sanders and H. de Guise ,
Representations of the Weyl group and Wigner functions for SU(3) ,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 40 (1999), no.7, pp.3604-3615, - Hubert de Guise and David J. Rowe,
An algebraic representation of the particle-plus-rotor model ,
Nuclear Physics A636 (1998), no.2, pp.47-69, - Hubert de Guise and David J Rowe,
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in the asymptotic limit,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 39 (1998), no.2, pp.1087-1106.
Selected conference contributions:
- Hubert de Guise and Marco Bertola,
SU(n+1) coherent states on the n-torus,
presented at the VIIth International Wigner Symposium, College Park, MD, August 24-29 2001, - Hubert de Guise, Barry C. Sanders and Weiping Zhang,
Geometric phase in SU(N) interferometry,
presented at the Doppler Institute-CRM meeting, Prague, Czech Republic,
June 18-22 2000, published in Czech Journal of Physics 51 (2001), no 4, pp.312-320.